Queen's News

28th April 2023
Sport Round-up
A round-up of all the sporting successes at our Lower School
27th April 2023
Head Girl Team announced 2023
The new Head Girl team was announced in a special handover assembly.
26th April 2023
Ski trip 2023
45 girls from Year 8-13 and six members of staff enjoyed a fantastic Easter ski trip to Cesana in Italy.
31st March 2023
Daffodil Service
A beautiful Lower School service at St Thomas of Canterbury Church to end the term.
27th March 2023
Annual Festival of Music
So much talent was on display as girls from all year groups performed at The Queen's School Annual Festival of Music.
24th March 2023
Sport Round-up
A round-up of all the sporting successes including our national netball winners!!