Queen's News

19th June 2020
Read all about it
Creating our own headlines, read some impressive statistics about our transition back to school and remote learning programme.
15th June 2020
A positive return
Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 settle back into school with ease.
9th June 2020
Historical Interpretations
Head of Pastoral, History teacher and parent, Lorraine Jones, shares her views on recent events that have unfurled in the US and in the UK.
8th June 2020
Queen's rainbow of appreciation
House project creates a lasting show of support and respect for key workers.
4th June 2020
Death of George Floyd inspires poignant song from Queen's student
Inspired by the current BlackLivesMatter campaign, Jada in Year 13 has written and produced this beautiful song to raise money and try to make a difference.
1st June 2020
Chamber Choir record song for Commemoration
Girls record song remotely - listen here.