Queen's News

22nd May 2020
Remote learning at Queen's
Deputy Head Girl Caroline gives us an insight into what a week of remote learning looks like for her.
18th May 2020
Adapting to change
Alumna Liz talks about how she has had to close her business and turn her talents in other directions during the coronavirus crisis.
18th May 2020
New Heads of Houses revealed
Find out what they have planned and some fun facts about the team.
14th May 2020
Insight into university study and interview skills
Year 12 offered a range of tips and advice on how university study differs from the school experience of learning.
12th May 2020
A Day in the Life of a Queen's Girl
Head Girl Anna kicks off our new feature as she vlogs about her remote learning experience.
7th May 2020
Alumni perspectives
First in a series of alumni vlogs - Considering a career in law? Libby gives you top tips.