Queen's News

5th July 2019
Senior School Sports Day
The races were competitive and the jumps and throws were precise at our Senior School sports day, held in glorious sunshine. The spirit and support for each other shone through, with everyone taking
5th July 2019
Stars of the stage
The Lower School end of year production, ‘Kitty Whittington’ was a fantastic success for all involved. Every girl in Year 5 and 6 had an opportunity to shine, often challenging themselves to step out
1st July 2019
Summer Concert
After only six weeks of rehearsals since Cabaret, the girls delivered a dazzling programme at our summer music concert. From the opening "Mission Impossible" from Junior Orchestra, to Pop Choir's
1st July 2019
Lower School Sports Day
We could not have asked for better weather for our Lower School Sports Day and the girls were eager and excited to get underway with the races they had been working incredibly hard for over the last
28th June 2019
House Drama Competition
Thursday brought the sixth annual House Drama Competition, which has been a great addition to the summer term at Queen's. The competition gives girls from Years 7-10 the opportunity to perform a piece
28th June 2019
Welcoming new faces
Monday dawned and the threat of persistent rain seemed to have dissipated. Reception clambered excitedly onto the mini-bus, full of excitement for a day at the beach. We met our new Reception friends