Queen's News

17th June 2019
Bronze success for Queen's Cadets
The past two Sundays cadets have been out in the Clwydian Hills practising and being assessed for their Bronze National Navigation Award, and by the end of trips all 14 cadets had passed! The girls
17th June 2019
Inspirational experience and advice
We were delighted to welcome back Alumna Chiara Lisowski 05' recently to take part in our latest Alumni Networking Lunch. Being the a vibrant, focussed and engaging young woman she is, she was able to
14th June 2019
Learning from experience
They say the young keep us youthful, but on Wednesday it was a case of former students keeping current students in touch with the next stage in life they have to look forward to. Thank you so much to
14th June 2019
Aspiring biologists investigate marine life
Year 4 were lucky enough to visit the fantastic Sea Zoo on Anglesey for a specialist Beach Safari with the help of a marine biologist as part of our outreach research into local marine life. It was a
13th June 2019
Immersed in history
Year 3 were immersed in history on a trip to the Grosvenor Museum where they took part in a number of workshops that showed them what life was like for the Romans living in Chester. They were
13th June 2019
A taste of the French life
Year 6 develop language skills as they explore the Pas de Calais region.