Queen's News

5th April 2019
Cabaret entertains
Cabaret was a slightly more glitzy affair this year with a black and white theme for attendees. And the entertainment did not disappoint. From Bartok to The Killers our musicians excelled in every
5th April 2019
House Choir Competition
The end of term culminated in the long awaited House Choir Competition. The girls have been preparing all term for this event for which each house had to prepare two items: a set piece, which was
4th April 2019
Course improves understanding
A mixture of parents from our Lower and Senior Schools took part in the accredited Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England Introductory Half Day course. Last academic year The Queen’s School boosted
4th April 2019
Success at Speech and Drama Festival
Speech and drama pupils from the Lower School recently competed in The Chester Competitive Festival of Performing Arts. It was the first competitive performance for over half the girls and the classes
4th April 2019
Headmistress's blog: Fingers and thumbs
It always gives me great pride to welcome visitors to the school as invariably having been shown round by one of the girls, the visitor returns to tell me what a fantastic time they have had seeing
3rd April 2019
New Head Girl's Team Announced
Congratulations to our newly appointed Head Girl, Anna and her deputies Jasleen and Sophia. The Head Girl process was extremely competitive and involved a written application followed by an interview