Queen's News

5th November 2018
Senior School girls deliver STEM and craft activities
A number of our Year 9 girls delivered a day of Halloween-themed STEM and craft activities to Lower School girls. They planned and created all the activities themselves over half term raising more
5th November 2018
Cadet pride for Eleanor
Well done to Year 12 student Eleanor who passed her Master Cadet course over the half term holiday. She is only one of a handful of CCF cadets who have ever achieved this honour and Mrs Dawson and all
5th November 2018
A focus on literacy
All three of our infant year groups have had a literary focus using specific authors or text to explore new ideas - some of them with a spooky theme. In Reception the girls have been reading 'Room on
2nd November 2018
All smiles on the Salamanca sojourn
A fun but valuable language trip to Spain
1st November 2018
Poetry plaudits for Jada
Sixth Former has had three separate pieces of poetry published in three different anthologies.
1st November 2018
Amsterdam hockey heroes
The Queen’s hockey teams have recently returned fired up with confidence from their annual hockey trip to Amsterdam. They began by visiting The Amsterdam Stadium where they watched the women’s 1st