Queen's News

17th September 2018
'Girls Go Gold' inspires Queen's pupils
Conference provides girls with a real taste of the variety of sport career paths
13th September 2018
International and national equestrian success for Lavinia
Year 11 pupil competes in seven championships, winning four and coming runner-up in three.
10th September 2018
Early exam success
Huge congratulations to Leandra in Year 8 who achieved an A* in her Dutch iGCSE exam which she sat while she was still in Year 7! The outstanding achievement of 96% is the result of her dedication
10th September 2018
Impressive ABRSM results
In the summer term four girls were entered for Associated Board Music exams, piano Grade 1 and three recorder Grade 2. The results were excellent, with Aster, Genevieve and Lydia gaining passes with
10th September 2018
Summer Sporting Success
Hockey There was international success for Emma in Year 13 who made her debut for the Welsh Senior Hockey Squad at the 2018 Hockey Open Series last month. As a newly capped Welsh International Emma
10th September 2018
Computer Science challenges continue over summer
Girls continue independent learning with computer science competitions and courses.