Queen's News

Celebrating Excellence in Education - Two Prestigious Awards!
20th April 2018
Inaugural Debate Competition
Queen's welcomes schools for competition to mark the centenary of the women's suffrage movement.
20th April 2018
A taste of the French life
A four-day immersion course in the sunny south of France was enjoyed by 19 girls from Years 9 and 10 over Easter.
17th April 2018
Girls Easter adventure in Iceland
A group of 30 girls enjoyed the five day Geography field trip.
12th April 2018
Prestigious Durham scholarship for Queen's girl
Computer Science student Lucy wins the Women in Technology award.
23rd March 2018
Stars of The Voice 'Belle Voci' perform live at Queen's
There was a buzz of excitement around the school as we had a very special visit and performance from stars of the Voice 'Belle Voci'.
23rd March 2018
Queen's impress during national CyberFirst final
Team Enigmatic travelled to Manchester after making it through to the top 1% nationally for the second year in a row.