
Reception curriculum

The Reception girls follow the nationally established Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This sets out a clearly defined group of seven areas of learning that most girls are expected to achieve by the end of their Reception Year. At Reception level, learning provides a balance of focused teaching and carefully guided play activities which encourage girls to explore, investigate and consolidate their developing knowledge, skills and attitudes.

The areas of learning can be summarised as follows:


  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development


  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

In addition to specialist, teachers provide weekly sessions of:

  • Swimming
  • French
  • Computing 
  • PE (gymnastics, dance)
  • Music 

Each Reception class has a full-time qualified teacher and a fully-qualified Early Years Teaching Assistant. The girls in Reception have a separate outdoor area as well as being able to use the main Infant School playground and fields for their supervised play times. The outdoor areas at Queen's provide bountiful opportunities for girls to run, climb, sing, explore and think. A safe and nurturing atmosphere promoting health, happiness and wellbeing is key.

We believe that every girl deserves the best possible start in life and we support each individual, enabling them to reach their full potential. We understand that girls learn and develop in different ways and at different rates, and use a variety of teaching methods to suit individual learning styles. A positive ethos is always encouraged and we teach all our girls to care and have respect for themselves, each other and the environment in which they live.

Key Stage 1 curriculum

At Key Stage 1 (ages 5-7) the school seeks to provide a rich and stimulating environment designed both to fulfil and extend the academic requirements of the new National Curriculum and to promote an environment where the children are encouraged to develop an awareness of their individual strengths and how to make use of them.

Subjects are taught by the class teacher and subject specialist practitioners for PE, swimming, computing, modern foreign languages and music. In Year 1 and Year 2 there is a fully qualified teaching assistant, who supports the class teacher.

Teachers, pupils and parents work as a team. Children are developing very quickly during these years. We strive to make the most of this time and we would encourage you as parents to support reading, speech, fun mathematical games, and developing general confidence in the home environment. We expect our pupils to read each night and complete regular homework to support their learning in school.

At the end of Year 2 all children move automatically from the Infant Department to the Junior Department.

Alana and pupil

Key Stage 2 curriculum

In Lower Key Stage Two (Years 3 and 4) pupils are taught the core subjects, English, maths and science, by their form tutor in their classroom. Pupils are grouped carefully, ensuring that clear differentiation and expectations match each pupil. Teaching is cross-curricular, based on a theme or topic and this is changed termly.  Teaching staff have excellent subject knowledge and teaching motivates, encourages and promotes learning. Activities are multi-sensory to cater for different learning styles.

In Upper Key Stage Two (Years 5 and 6) the girls are taught by subject specialist teachers in modern foreign languages, PE, swimming, music, computing and creative development. Maths is set by ability to enable the girls to be supported and extended according to their needs. Pupils are prepared for their transition to Senior School through their expanding and stimulating curriculum; they are encouraged to stretch themselves, develop their independence and take on additional responsibilities. The core and foundation subjects are enhanced by the provision of a variety of enrichment activities and educational visits that take them further afield and foster a curiosity about the world.