Queen's News

Celebrating Excellence in Education - Two Prestigious Awards!
23rd April 2018
Sporting success April 2018
U14 hockey team crowned Cheshire County Champions, Year 5 girls celebrate Northern Champion win and national success in hockey.
19th April 2018
New Sixth Form Anniversary Bursaries announced
Bursary places for gifted pupils are on offer at Queen's Sixth Form.
12th April 2018
Prestigious Durham scholarship for Queen's girl
Computer Science student Lucy wins the Women in Technology award.
23rd March 2018
Stars of The Voice 'Belle Voci' perform live at Queen's
There was a buzz of excitement around the school as we had a very special visit and performance from stars of the Voice 'Belle Voci'.
13th March 2018
Demanding debates at MUN
Girls rise to the challenge at Shrewsbury School conference.
25th January 2018
Oxbridge success for Queen's girls
A total of eight girls are now holding offers for Oxford, Cambridge and competitive courses such medicine, dentistry and veterinary science.