We're having a Garden Party! Put Sunday 25th June in your diary and dust off the bunting!
Our summer celebration will be held at the Lower School on Sunday 25th June, 11.00am - 3.00pm. Friends and wider family are all very welcome to come along and join in the fun – there is plenty of room for everyone!
Look out for fabulous stalls, BBQ, bar and refreshments, homemade cakes (yum!), performances from our girls, raffles, bouncy castles, ice cream van (chocolate flake, anyone?) and so much more.
One Minute Wonders!
New for 2023, if your (Lower School) daughter has a talent of any kind - no matter how weird or wonderful - she is going to love this! One minute on the mat to shine: whether it be pulling rabbits from hats, singing a capella, sharing a dramatic reading or juggling act – literally anything goes!
There will be an infant prize and a rest of school prize, with honourable mentions for second and third places. The two winners will have the opportunity to perform again and extend their performance if they wish. Sign up details to follow but, for now, get your thinking caps on and get practicing!
As ever we need lots of volunteers on the day to make this event the smash hit it always is – this is definitely the girls’ favourite school event and we want to keep this wonderful funtastic tradition alive, so please message Charlotte Bennett on 07814890085 if you can lend a hand on the BBQ or the bouncy castle!
We can’t wait to see you there!