
31st March 2016
Head Girl's Blog… The merits of the Thames solar project
The merits of the Thames solar project
8th December 2015
Head Girl's Blog: The season of giving
Christmas is portrayed in our society as the season of giving - whether it be the gifts you give to your loved ones or the time you spend with them at
11th November 2015
Head Girl's Blog: Who is to blame, guns or people?
With weekday news seldom being joyful I often find myself looking at funny or spoof news articles for a bit light-hearted entertainment. One of my
18th August 2015
School Blogs
Queen's blogs give a real flavour of our community; written by our school leaders, pupils and teachers they reflect a network of people who are
15th July 2015
Woman in Football
In June 2015 the FIFA Women’s World Cup began in Canada in front of a record breaking crowd of over 53,000; this celebration of women in competitive
19th March 2015
Progressing the Pankhurst legacy
There have been many strong, ambitious women who have influenced history but if I had to single one out, it would be Emmeline Pankhurst, the leader of