Queen's News

Celebrating Excellence in Education - Two Prestigious Awards!
21st June 2019
Nurturing creativity at Grrrl Power Workshop
Aspiring writers develop their skills after reaching the final of the Queen's writing competition.
21st June 2019
Celebrating our Queen's Scholars
This years Queen's Scholars were officially congratulated in a celebration event at the Senior School prior to the Year 7 welcome evening for parents and pupils. The girls were presented with a
17th June 2019
Bronze success for Queen's Cadets
The past two Sundays cadets have been out in the Clwydian Hills practising and being assessed for their Bronze National Navigation Award, and by the end of trips all 14 cadets had passed! The girls
17th June 2019
Inspirational experience and advice
We were delighted to welcome back Alumna Chiara Lisowski 05' recently to take part in our latest Alumni Networking Lunch. Being the a vibrant, focussed and engaging young woman she is, she was able to
11th June 2019
Inspiring the coders of the future
Our Year 5 girls were treated to a special talk from our Senior School CyberFirst finalists, aiming to inspire the next generation of code breakers! Erinna, Limonèe, Leandra and Anoushka in Year 8
4th June 2019
Head Girl's blog: Time is running out
Recently Queen’s celebrated Earth Day by holding an own clothes day which was organised by Eco Society, of which I am a member. Since Christmas, we have been working to make Queen’s a more eco