Queen's News

Celebrating Excellence in Education - Two Prestigious Awards!
6th February 2024
MUNHigh conference
Accolades for Queen's students highlight the commendable efforts and achievements on the MUN stage in Manchester.
31st January 2024
Criminology and Culture Talks
Punishment for crimes and attaching monetary value to cultural events were the topics for the most recent talks in the Sixth Form Academic Lecture Programme.
30th January 2024
Culture and Fun in Dublin
Sixth formers enjoy the culture and history of Dublin during a two-day trip to the city.
30th January 2024
Head Girl to Hold Recycling Fashion Event for Charity
Re-Prom will showcase prom dresses for every budget while raising money for a charity set up in memory of her friend.
10th January 2024
The forefront of medical research
Leading medical researcher Prof Hughes gave Year 12 a fascinating insight into the groundbreaking work to develop tests and treatments for a host of serious and life-threatening conditions.
11th December 2023
We Will Rock You!
A sell-out finale as School production raises the rooftop.