Our Reception and Year 1 girls have been very excited to be back in school with their friends during the last two weeks and we are looking forward to welcoming more year groups during the term. There have been lots of new safety rules and systems to learn about as the girls have begun to use their classrooms and the outdoor spaces in a different way.
The girls have been fantastic and have particularly enjoyed their new Learning Challenge Curriculum (LCC) theme ‘What is life like under the sea?’ They have been creating beautiful underwater collages and learning lots of new information about sea creatures, such as “How do they breathe underwater for such a long time?”
We have used our outdoor areas as much as we can. The girls have particularly enjoyed using chalks on the playground to work out number patterns and practise handwriting joins! Picnic-style lunches have been a highlight of each day, sitting distanced from each other while enjoying the fresh air and sunshine!
Year 6 have also settled back in well and are in good routines. Each pod has been working hard and enjoying being back together with friends. The girls have been carrying on with our curriculum: last week they were using their English, maths, geography and computing skills to create walking leaflets for the local area. They are enjoying their daily exercise and having time outdoors in the fresh air. It has been a really positive return!