We pride ourselves on having a fully embedded careers programme across all curriculum areas from Year 7 to Year 13. Over the past two weeks, there has been our regular mix of events, talks, careers interviews and news, especially with university offers! With having a full time, qualified Head of Careers we can make sure we are achieving the highest outcomes in all eight of the Gatsby National Career Benchmarks. Attendance at events is tracked and evaluations by both pupils and external providers such as Edinburgh University drive our continuous review process.
Our launch of the 'next steps' for Year 12 saw the very well attended 'Higher Education and Progression Evening' with our guest speaker from Keele University. Our Academic Lecture programme welcomed the London Interdisciplinary School’s talk on “A new, radical undergraduate degree”. Edinburgh University provided a lunchtime talk on Scottish Universities and their flexible programmes, and we are ending this week finding out all about what to do for a Gap Year!
Alongside all this Year 9 and 11 have been signing up for 1-2-1 careers interviews with Mrs Dawson to finalise decisions for GCSE and A-level choices, following on from their PSHE Careers lessons in the Autumn Term.
This week started with Year 11 being invited by the Year 12 Subjects Ambassadors to attend a 'Subjects Fair' with the aim to provide peer to peer advice and guidance on A-level subject choices ahead of filling in options forms next week. Sixth Formers brought examples of their work, course notebooks, sketch pads, tutorial diaries and textbooks, and were available to answer a variety of true picture questions. Many said that it didn’t feel that long ago to when they were in Year 11 making such informed choices themselves and remembered the words of advice that they were now able to pass on.
A number of Year 11 and 12 pupils have also taken the opportunity to complete the Morrisby Psychometric Profile to inform their future choices.