Impressive talent

Our LAMDA Speech & Drama exams took place in school recently, with girls from Years 8 to 13 performing pieces from a wide range of genres.

One of the examiners commented on what a pleasure it was to spend the day with such confident, eloquent and knowledgable girls who have such a clear appreciation of the performing arts.

The girls were due to take their exams in May and continued to practise during the summer term via Zoom. Forty girls took the Acting exams over the course of the day ranging from Grade 3 up to Grade 8 which is also known as the Gold Medal.

All the girls were very confident and all came out of the exam with a smile on their face. Well done to everyone!

Impressive talent
Impressive talent
Impressive talent
Impressive talent
Impressive talent
Impressive talent
Impressive talent
Impressive talent
Impressive talent
Impressive talent