Junior Debating Competition

Ten teams from five schools took part in our annual Junior Debating Competition.

Judges were impressed by the quality of speakers throughout the event on Friday 26 April.

Teams of three from The King's School, Bishop's Blue Coat, Weaverham High, West Kirby Grammar and Queen's debated motions based around the topic of 'society and the individual'.

They were each given time to prepare for their debates and all performed brilliantly in the heat rounds during the morning as they competed for a place in the semi-final.

The semi-final involved two teams from King's, one team from West Kirby Grammar and one team from Bishop's. After two well planned and argued debates it was West Kirby Grammar v Bishop's in the final.

The judges were blown away by the quality of some of the individual speakers throughout the day but it was West Kirby Grammar who were crowned the winners after successfully arguing the motion that individuals should be required to work for their society.

Judge and event organiser Mrs Frowe said: “Every pupil should be proud of what they have achieved today and I was truly impressed by the level of preparation and quality of the speakers across all the teams. It was a very close competition throughout the day but West Kirby particularly impressed us with their interpretation of the debate title and are extremely worthy winners.”

The afternoon also involved a workshop where the pupils discussed 'what makes a global citizen?' and a talk about 'The psychology of truth'.

Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition
Junior Debating Competition