Putting the fun in festive fundraising

A huge well done to everyone who took part in our school Santa Dash on Monday. Around 40 girls and staff dressed in Santa costumes ran around Chester Racecourse accompanied by Mrs W-W's dogs Biggles and Badger! The girls were raising money for the Meningitis Foundation and have raised over £150 so far. Well done to you all!

We have now delivered our hampers to the Save the Family charity who were absolutely delighted. Huge thanks to everyone who supported the appeal, as always your kindness is overwhelming.

Last Thursday saw the school raise funds for Save the Children with a wonderful display of festive Christmas jumpers.

At the Lower School Ms Gater and Mrs Long donned festive fancy dress and we held collections after our drama performances for Claire House Hospice, raising £660.

The girls also raised £160 for Save the Children from their Christmas jumper day.

Many thanks to all our parents for their generosity.