Queen's artistic talent on display

The artistic talents of our students was on full display as part of a collaboration between Queen’s and Jolliffes legal firm.

The evening saw girl’s from Queen’s, both past and present, display their work in the public spaces at Jolliffes, as guests mingled with other local artists and galleries from Chester, parents and staff to admire the art.

The work by the girls was extraordinarily mature and many have gone on to study at Central St Martins or The Slade in London and follow with stellar careers in the art world.

Artwork created by the girls was guided by nationally known artist and the school’s Head of Art, Mr Alistair Tucker. “Since starting at Queen’s in January 2006 I have been amazed by the talent and creativity of Queen’s girls and many have gone into exciting careers in the arts. This exhibition was a chance for ex-Queen’s girls from all years to celebrate their creative talents.”

Jane Harrad-Roberts at Marketing PRojects brought Queen’s and Jolliffes together and the evening was the culmination of the synergy between art, business, education, talent and law. It demonstrated what can be achieved with talent, passion, hard work and collaboration.

Jane said: “Little things in our workplace can have a really positive impact on our everyday lives and artwork has a huge role to play in this. There are findings that demonstrate artwork makes offices feel happier, more peaceful and more creative. It isn’t just about making our workplace walls more attractive, it’s about helping us to become more reflective, imaginative and inventive. In today’s fast paced world where innovation and adaptability are vital, all organisations should be looking to inspire their workforce and stimulate creative discussions by investing in art.”

Queen’s will be hosting its first Alumni Art Exhibition later in the year.  This exhibition will showcase the outstanding talent that has passed through our doors, with the artistic achievements of our alumni on display.

Visitors will have the opportunity not only to view the artwork but also purchase pieces they love, be it simply for pleasure or as an investment, as many of the pieces featured are from up and coming artists. Profits from the exhibition will also go towards the schools important 150 for 150 Bursary Appeal, a good cause which can literally change a young person’s life.

Headmistress Sue Wallace-Woodroffe adds, "We are enormously proud of the varied talents and interests that our alumni have explored since leaving school. We know that many of have pursued careers in the creative arts and we have a fabulous opportunity to showcase the work of our alumni on the walls of The Queen’s School at the end of the Summer term 2020."

The exhibition will be free and open to the community. More details will be released nearer the time.

Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition
Jolliffes art exhibition