Here are the Heads of Department at the Senior School and the Lower School
BEd (Hons) Chester
BMus Bangor University, PGCE
Level 7, teaching and assessing learners with dyslexia, British Dyslexia Association (BDA)
BA (Hons) Nottingham Trent, PGCE Liverpool Hope
Licence d’Anglais University of Nantes, PGCE Liverpool
BA (Hons) Lancaster, PGCE Goldsmiths
BA (Hons) City University, London, PGCE Chester
BA (Hons) York
BEd (Hons) Bangor
Level 6, Supporting children with SpLD
BSc (Hons) University of Derby, PGCE Bangor
BA (Hons) University of Chester
BEd (Hons) Chester
BA Humanities Nottingham Trent, PGCE Southbank
BA (Hons) Bristol, PGCE
BSc (Hons) Edinburgh PGCE
BA Open University, PGCE
BSc Birmingham, MSc Huddersfield, PGCE
B.Eng (Hons) and PGCE University of Bath
BA (Hons) Huddersfield PGCE
BA (Hons) Leeds Beckett, PGCE Manchester
MA London, BA (Hons) London, PGCE
Licence d’Anglais University of Nantes, PGCE Liverpool
MEd (Cantab), BSc (Hons) University of Nottingham, PGCE
BA (Hons) Cardiff MA Manchester, PGCE
BA (Hons) Dublin MSc Belfast MSc University of Wales
BA Beijing QTS
BA (Hons) Manchester, PGCE, CIPD, NPQH
B.Mus Bangor University, PGCE
BA (Hons) St. John University York
BSc (Hons) Lancaster, PGCE
BSc (Hons) Warwick PGCE
BSc (Hons) Chester, PGCE
BA (Hons) PhD Bangor MTh Bangor PGCE
BA (Hons) Seville PGCE
BA Humanities Nottingham Trent, PGCE Southbank