
7th July 2023
Cultivating leadership and personal growth
Kitty in Year 10 blogs about her experience of the Combined Cadet Force and why she would recommend it to everyone!
19th June 2023
An informative and inspiring day
Amélie in Year 10 writes about their recent trip to Oxford University as part of their Sixth Form transition week.
16th June 2023
A taste of Sixth Form at Queen's
Hello, my name is Daisy Wainwright and I am in Year 10. With exams finished and GCSEs a year away, this week has been like no other. Year 10 have had
5th June 2023
The rewards are so worth the effort!
Hana in Year 11 currently plays netball for Kingsway Power, Manchester Thunder performance pathway, and Wales U17 National Academy. Here, she blogs
28th February 2023
Celebrating the power of books
Library Manager Mrs Mayes blogs about why we should never censor student access to literature and strongly disagrees with rewriting books.
31st January 2023
75 years of Nedham House
As we celebrate this special anniversary, Head of the Lower School Iona Carmody reflects on the history and significance of Nedham House.