
9th June 2020
Historical Interpretations
Head of Pastoral, History teacher and parent, Lorraine Jones, shares her views on recent events that have unfurled in the US and in the UK.
22nd May 2020
Enjoying the challenge
Alumna Jane Bingham blogs about how, like our current girls, she has had to adapt her way of working during lockdown.
28th April 2020
Preparing our girls for the future
Mrs WW blogs about how now more than ever, we need to be providing children with a safe, nurturing environment that looks after mental wellbeing and
3rd April 2020
Learning and adapting
Mum of three and Head of Pastoral Lorraine Jones reflects on the realities of her new 'normal'.
3rd April 2020
The support and advice offered is no surprise to our Alumni Officer Clare.
30th March 2020
Learning never stops
Mrs WW reflects on what she has learnt over the last few weeks.